Find out what really matters to us all
A Multiverse Treasure Hunt
During this online festival we will explore our multifaceted personal story, personality, dreams, ideals, fears, relationships, and the worlds we would like to create.
Our identity carries many different sides, just like how we can play different characters on stage, and yet they are all part of who we are. Our identity also lives in multiple universes simultaneously. One can have an active life on Youtube, Whatsapp, Twitter, Fortnite and watch Tiktok at home while contributing commentaries at the same time. Our behaviours and even appearances can be vastly different and unique across different platforms. What’s more amazing is that we can switch between universes instantaneously.
How then can we use all those tools available to us to create an experience that reveals and surprises us? How can we create characters, spaces, performances, interactions using both physical and virtual means? How can we form a coherent narrative about who we are, and allow others to understand and see us? What is the treasure that is hidden, and would require us to travel through different universes to discover?
What are the stories that connect us and inspire us?
What are the stories that could save the world?
Darren Scully, Anne Drouet, Michael Wencong Chen

This online performing arts festival will take place over 3 consecutive weekends
(All times are in Hong Kong)
(All mystery assignments will require groups to race against time to accomplish their task in order to proceed to the next round)
Sat 14 May 18.30-20.30: Round 1
Games and challenges to build ensemble, exploring individual and group identity
Mystery assignment 1
Sun 15 May 18.30-20.30: Round 2
Games and challenges to explore identity and behaviours in an assigned multiverse
Mystery assignment 2 to unlock the Independent Mission
Independent Mission 1 - to be completed before the sun sets in London on Weds 18 May
Sat 21 May 18.30-20.30: Round 3
Increasingly challenging tasks to explore alternative identities as shaped by our environments
Mystery assignment 3
Sun 22 May 18.30-20.30: Round 4
The game of What If?
Treasure Hunt
Independent Mission 2 - to be completed before the sun sets in London on Weds 25 May
Sat 28 May 18.30-20.30: Round 5
Explore the evidence presented
What are the connections to do with time, space, matter, energy in our multiverse?
What are the stories worth telling?
Sun 29 May 18.30-20.30: The Reveal
Stories To Save The World
Film Premier and Website Launch
Interviews with the creators

ISTA Academy - GCD Consortium School
Multiverse Festival
Up to 10 students per GCD school
Age Range
GBP 90 per student
Independent Sign Up
Parents can sign up and pay directly!
Free Professional Development for teachers
Free pass for one teacher per school. Additional teacher passes are GBP90. Please email us to arrange.
If you have more than 10 students who wish to take part, please let us know and we’ll discuss options with you.
Read about our Online Safety Policy and Agreement
Deadline to sign up
Fri 8 April, 2022

'Congratulations to all involved in our 2021 Summer Camp!'
Imagine an experience where young people aged 12-18 from 10 different schools across Hong Kong came together for two weeks to play, experiment and collaborate creatively to explore important issues on a personal, community and global level? And then, to express what they felt mattered most to them through the power of the performing arts?
Adhering to all Centre of Health and Protection, CHP guidelines, we played, discovered, brainstormed, collaborated, connected and created original work to build empathy, compassion and understanding.
The resulting journeys in both weeks were transformational and the culminating performances moved our audiences to tears!
Thank you to all involved for making our summer camp experience such a joyful and meaningful experience!
What students say...
'The ISTA Academy helps you to develop skills that you can apply to life in general - from developing an open mind, to collaborating with a wide age range of people.'
'I have learned so much more than Drama. I have learned to collaborate, listen, explore ideas, let go of ideas and to bring my very best to the process - for myself and for everyone else.'
'This experience has developed my skills as an actor. I am so much more aware of all the ingredients that can combine to make a performance magical'
What parents say...
'It got me so emotional. I realised all of these issues transcend, age, gender, culture and country and I think these are the root causes of so many problems in humanity and it's so inspiring seeing such young people get to the core of it so early on in life when many of us don't.'
'The students were able to express their feelings regarding the past 2 years, their struggles, their transitions.'
' Being part of ISTA has pushed my child even further in their ability to have empathy and understanding of others.'
What teachers say...
The Arts are a social commentary of the world around us and our interaction in that world. Exposing young people to varying forms of personal expression allows them a greater depth and sophistication in their perceptions of the world around them.'
'ISTA can help the shy child come out, and the restless child to follow a discipline, both in a safe, constructive environment.'
'ISTA helps young people develop skills to find comfort in the unknown, knowing they can find creative solutions and work together with others.'

Award Winning Patrons
supported by a board of award winning industry experts
in the entertainment industry
Our board of award winning patrons include actors, writers, directors, special effects gurus, composers, producers and musicians who have led workshops, masterclasses and connected our alumni to industry experts.